Saturday, 16 April 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

All relative to modern life and an interesting read.

Western and Eastern Psychology is relevant in the 21st century pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. To gain an understanding on what may be happening in your body and mind can only benefit the outcome in the way you choose to live and react to situations in life.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

starting somewhere

Everyone must start somewhere,so it is here that i begin. I need a place to collate my research and thoughts on what i beleive is one of the fundamentals of life, health and fitness.
It is not my aim to argue my case to what i beleive, but to give an insight into my understanding of what works and what does not and to back this up with research.
My thoughts evolve with experience and time and hopefully this blog will evolve with me.
It will be a primative start as my technical ability and tolerance of standard layouts are in line with that of nassim talebs home page.