Saturday 27 August 2011

World Gym Challange

Devanys wise words, set no goals have no failures.

So this is more of a motivator to get me focused. It will also be a good test to see how my past training experience fairs.

The competition is in my current gym in December so should give me enough time to up my training.

Thursday 11 August 2011


An area which has interested me since linking my previous diagnosis of asthma with mouth breathing, I have been asthma free for over 5 years now and correct breathing is one element which I feel has contributed to helping acheive this.
It takes a long time to correct mouth breathing to the nose and at moments quite uncomfortable, however the benefits are amazing.

Lane Sebring -
'It is hard to know for certain but if you study present day hunter gatherers we can get some idea. Wade Davis, an ethnobotanist from Harvard, who lived with 15 different groups of indigenous people, reports that it is typical for tribal hunters of the Amazon to be able to smell the urine of the animal from 40 paces and be ale to tell you what it is, even male or female. They can feel the heat of another human being on their skin from 25 feet away. A paleontologist, who is also a triathlete, was allowed to go hunting with hunter gatherers. He reported they began their morning hunt in a run, jog, run, jog fashion. When found the trail of an animal they wanted to hunt there was no more jogging only running because they had to catch up. When they caught up with the animal it sprinted off for its life. The men continued running after it until it could run no longer and then they killed it. He was able to keep up with them but not without considerable effort of his part. He said the most impressive thing to him was the fact the men never opened their mouths to breathe. To them the nose was not a restriction. What has happened to us civilized humans?'

website accessed 11 Aug 2011 -

I am now attempting to incorparate more nose breathing during exercise, will also do a little research into any known benefits or negatives / studies.

Sunday 26 June 2011


"I didn't fail the test; I just found 100 ways to do it wrong" (Benjamin Franklin).

By Tom Daly aka Muscle Talk Member geneticallyjacked

Success rarely follows a straight line. Some of the most successful men in history failed dismally before finally achieving success. Henry Ford's first two car manufacturing companies went bankrupt; Ray Kroc; the entrepreneur and marketing genius behind McDonald's was a failed real estate agent; Isaac Newton, noted physicist, was a failed farmer (Thoughts2Think 2007). The now multi-billionaire wrestling (sports entertainment) mogul Vince McMahon failed dismally by creating some terrible characters in the 80s and early 90s, leading to a loss of interest and financial woe, before finally admitting his mistakes and allowing the wrestlers creative control over their characters personalities. The transformation of Rocky Mavia to The Rock was a prime example of this as well as 'Ringmaster' Steve Austin to Stone Cold (Foley 2000).

Thursday 9 June 2011


Linked via Art Devany on to a blog that is of interest.

'Humanity, a particularly intelligent bunch owing to a few fortuitous evolutionary traits, has -- for better or worse -- become a force of nature on Earth. Our species has reworked the surface of the planet to meet its needs, significantly impacting on virtually every other species (bringing many to extinction) and irrevocably altering the condition of the atmosphere itself. Not content to stay at home, we have even sent our artifacts into space and visited our very own moon.'

Thursday 2 June 2011

Acid / Alkaline balance

thanks to Ev Fit for linking the information

Monday 16 May 2011

Body responces to exercise

Very iteresting diagrams of the hormanal responce to exercise. More to follow

Saturday 16 April 2011

Seven Deadly Sins

All relative to modern life and an interesting read.

Western and Eastern Psychology is relevant in the 21st century pursuit of a healthy lifestyle. To gain an understanding on what may be happening in your body and mind can only benefit the outcome in the way you choose to live and react to situations in life.

Sunday 10 April 2011

starting somewhere

Everyone must start somewhere,so it is here that i begin. I need a place to collate my research and thoughts on what i beleive is one of the fundamentals of life, health and fitness.
It is not my aim to argue my case to what i beleive, but to give an insight into my understanding of what works and what does not and to back this up with research.
My thoughts evolve with experience and time and hopefully this blog will evolve with me.
It will be a primative start as my technical ability and tolerance of standard layouts are in line with that of nassim talebs home page.